Vicki Carruthers

Collection: Vicki Carruthers

“I see the world in shapes”

Vicki Carruthers begins her paintings with a quick sketch, a splash of red. Building upon this blot of paint the artist then expands this initial shape. Adding more painting, taking some away, all while slowly engulfing the painted surface with bold and vibrant colour.

Working solely in acrylic Vicki uses stylized shapes to explore her playful themes, sharp contrast and unique perspective. At times she has looked to the Group of Seven, Norval Morriseau and Ted Harrison for inspiration. Each piece an expression of hope and happiness. Vicki subscribes to Matisse’s approach to colour, ‘Colour was not given to use in order that we should imitate nature, it was given to us so we can express our emotions”

Vicki has a bachelor Fine Arts from Queen’s University and has studied at The Toronto School of Art, Haliburton School of Fine Art, Open Studio and Ontario College of Art.

Vicki created her own business ‘The Art Maker’ here she shared her passion teaching art to children. She feels her work today emulates what she saw in results of each child’s masterpiece.